¿Using R Inside LibreOffice calc?

Dear All
If you’re familiar with Microsoft Excel, or if you work with a lot of data files in Excel
format, you might want to run R directly from inside Excel. The RExcel software
lets you do just that (on Microsoft Windows systems). You can find information
about this software at http://rcom.univie.ac.at/. This site also includes a single in-
staller that will install R plus all the other software you need to use RExcel.
My question is if anyone knows if this also works in LibreOffice calc, and if not, if you know something similar to LibreOffice calc.
Best regards

Not R and also not from “inside” but interactive from former “ipython notebook”- ( now “jupyter notebook”- ) -session, it should give solutions very close or better than RExcel.
google for jupyter notebook, and search “ipython” here in this Forum.