Remove comment author's name without removing comment

I’m doing academic peer review (blind) and need to remove comment author’s name from comment; is there any way to do this except to replace all the comments?

Related to this question, which didn’t answer correctly:

Although not user-friendly, you may open the ODF with a ZIP manager, extract content.xml from it, and edit with plain text editor to remove all <dc:creator> tags (e.g. replace the regex <dc:creator>[^<]*</dc:creator> with empty string). After that, put the modified XML to replace original in ODF. This may help if you want to avoid large amount of work replacing multiple comments.

To create new anonymous comments, clear your user data in LibreOffice (from which LO takes info for comments).

May be saving as flat ODF it’s easier to edit, not need to play with several files.

Agree with @mariosv. Have to be careful with what OpenDocument file to convert to Flat OpenDocument cuz the resulting file size is orders of magnitude higher due to the ZIP archiving compressing relatively well. FOD is an option when it takes ages to compress the non-Flat file, too, at expense of higher disk space usage (I had a spreadsheet where self-repeating direct formatting across the sheet created a 230MB FODS and took 5 minutes to create an ODS, where the main XML was 200MB+).

I considered such a possibility, and refused it. Because there are more problems with this format (e.g.: tdf#63642), and this means that you can experience data loss.