Calc: numbers not showing up in 2 cells

BUDGET- BASIC- for other’s use.ods

Am experiencing a strange phenomenon regarding cells G60 and H60

if I type a number (without using a formula) into either cell and press enter it will show up.

Also, if (after the current formulae are applied to both cells) the result in either cell is a positive number, it will show up.

But, if (after the current formulae are applied to both cells) the result in either cell is a negative number, it won’t show up.

My only theory as to why this is happening is that maybe I somehow set conditional formatting on those two cells to change the font colour, as well as the background colour, to red when the result was below zero, thus making the font “invisible”.
However, I checked the conditional formatting on those two cells and could only find conditional formatting to make the cell’s background green when the resulting number is positive, or red when when the resulting number is negative.
Also I don’t recall setting conditional formatting for font colour. I originally wanted to (instead of changing the background colour), but couldn’t figure out how.

Am a little perplexed… any ideas?


Untick (or other change in the colors…): FormatCellsNumbers tab▸Negative numbers red


You are a legend! I don’t know how I managed to change that setting on those 2 cells in the first place.
Funnily enough, I asked on another thread how to make negative numbers show up in red and someone told me to use “conditional formatting”. I couldn’t figure out how to make negative numbers show up red using conditional formatting, but I did figure out how to make the background colour change to red if the result in the cell was negative, hence the reason that the background colour of the row

of cells at the bottom is red.
In answering this question, you inadvertently answered another of my questions!
Much obliged, Pierre.

Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile: