My LibreOffice 5 no longer opens; help!

I’ve closed my computer 3 times and restarted it three times. It still won’t open.

Try to ask a better question.

You might need to reset your user profile.

What version of LO are you using? Which Operating system are you using?

How should someone guess the exact version of what you call “My LibreOffice 5”?
How should someone guess your Operating System?
In what way did you try to open LibO (calling a document or a link to the executable e.g.)?
What did exactly happen then: Did the OS send a message? If so: which one?

A very generic answer:

First, try to start LibreOffice 5.3 and newer with the --safe-mode command line option, or use “Help » Restart in Safe Mode” dialog. If it works, then your user profile is corrupted.

If it is, or your LO is older than 5.3, or if nothing else seem to help you can try to delete (or rather rename) your LibreOffice configuration directory and let libreoffice create your user profile again.

  • Under unix this is usually $HOME/.config/libreoffice/4/user (or “3” for older versions, or $HOME/.libreoffice/3/user for even older versions).
  • For Windows it’s %APPDATA%\libreoffice\4\user (or 3 for older)
  • For MAC it’s ~/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice/4/user (or 3 for older)

More details at