Space below equations


I’m working on a document with some equations, but I run into two problems:

  1. There is two much space below the equation, see attached image and
  2. the equation number is not aligned with the equation.

Does anyone now what settings to adjust to fix this?

Libre Office test 1

The image can be found here
and the .odt file here , also a pdf here



OP: @dromon

I don’t see a problem with the odt file you provided, either with LO 3.5.4 (linux) or 3.6.4 (Windows) even when I exported to pdf. And I notice that the problem does not occur with the first equation on the page.

I could reproduce the problem by putting an extra carriage return just after the second equation. See if that is your issue. Display non printing characters (Ctrl+F10 or the pilcrow (¶) on the menu.

+1. I cannot reproduce the spacing issue under either Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64 running TDF LO v3.5.7.2 / v4.0.2.2 or Win7HP running TDF LO v4.0.2.2. In all cases the spacing and numbering alignment are fine.

It seems that the space comes with the portable apps package that I have been using. When I install LibreOffice on the computer, running windows XP, then it works fine…

I am running into the same problem (with Windows 7) but have found a method to get around it:

After exiting the math mode type anything on the same line immediately after the math section. The spaces below it should now disappear. You can then delete whatever you’ve typed and the spaces won’t re-appear again.

Hope this helps.