Basic: What's the syntax for variable object names?

For example, if I have a string variable in Basic such as something = "foo", how can I use this variable in dot notation or the like to refer to foo.value?

For example in JavaScript one can write [something].value

I’ll describe a workaround below, not the best solution.

This example is to allow a version# (iVersion) to select a specific Library Module for settings. First here is how I would like it to work. It is how JavaScript syntax works:

 sBaseModuleName = "AnnotatedBackupsSettings"  

 sPath 		= [sBaseModuleName & "V" & iVersion].GETsPath()
 iMaxCopies	= [sBaseModuleName & "V" & iVersion].GETiMaxCopies()

Next, here is a workaround for a limited set of variable values. Notice the ugly necessity for an overflow warning at the end.

Select Case iVersion
	Case 1
		sPath 		= AnnotatedBackupsSettingsV1.GETsPath()
		iMaxCopies	= AnnotatedBackupsSettingsV1.GETiMaxCopies()
	Case 2
		sPath 		= AnnotatedBackupsSettingsV2.GETsPath()
		iMaxCopies	= AnnotatedBackupsSettingsV2.GETiMaxCopies()
	Case 3
		sPath 		= AnnotatedBackupsSettingsV3.GETsPath()
		iMaxCopies	= AnnotatedBackupsSettingsV3.GETiMaxCopies()
	Case Is > 3
		MsgBox("OOPS, select statement is too short for iVersion = " _
		& iVersion & "." &chr(10)&chr(10)&_
		"Increase the number of case statements to fix this.",_
		0+48,"FATAL ERROR"):stop
End Select