Can I have continuous coloring of cells by conditional formatting?

I have a long column of numbers, ranged from 0 to 1 (like 0.133, 0.45, 0.5, 0.673 etc.). I would like to be able to color them automatically in a continuous manner. I mean, I want to color 0 as white, and color 1 as blue, and color any other cell with a color proportional to its value. In terms of RGB, I want to color all my cells like ‘RGB(0,0,255*VALUE)’

If it was gnuplot, I could do it like the examples in this page.

Is it possible in LibreOffice?

Beginning with Libreoffice 3.6 you will be able to use color scales for this.

You could make a macro to do this. See here

Other options are out there such as creating new styles and using conditional formatting but you will not get the range in colors.