How do I install an email program to associate with LibreOffice?

When I try to email a document from LibreOffice I get an error message that says: There is no email program associated to perform the requested action. Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel. How do I do this?

ON Unix- or Libux- based systems, you can choose the E-mail option under TOOLS > OPTIONS > Internet > E-mail and fill in your E-mail program.

Under windows , according to the getting “Started with LibreOffice” manual, the operating system’s default e-mail program is always used. This is set in Windows XP under CONTROL PANEL > INTERNET SETTINGS > PROGRAMS. I have no access to other Windows.

What people almost universally DON’T tell you in these forums is the actual path to gmail, if that is your desired default email. So, the detailed answer for making gmail your default is: In LibreOffice, select Tools / Options / Internet Email and browse to: /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable (if you don’t see -stable on the end of the path, simply choose /usr/bin/google-chrome

in windows 7 and google chrome In LibreOffice, select Tools / Options / Internet there is no option Email and browse there is option :proxy and MediaWiki

Once again the crystal ball is lost.:slight_smile:

Please can you inform what is your operating system?, so someone can help.

I am running windows 7 xp pro and Firefox and i can’t seem to associate my email with Writer. Can you help?