Where is best list of keyboard shortcuts?

Is the best list of keyboard shortcuts in the Getting Started Guide? Or is there something more recent or comprehensive?

To see your current keyboard shortcuts - and modify them - go to Tools | Customise and choose the Keyboard tab.

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Thanks, but I should have been clearer. I am looking for a table of keyboard shortcuts that I can print out.

Press F1 in Writer, Help will be opened. Click Index, in the search box, type - shortcut keys;in text documents . You will get a list of shortcut keys and some explanation as well.
Alternatively, visit the following link. Look for words - Keyboard Shortcuts. There are many pdfs available. There is good explanation to the keyboard shortcuts.

I think “Shortcut Keys for LibreOffice Writer” is what I want. However, when I try to print it, an error message says “Can not find suitable module for the given component.” When I searched for information about this error, I could find only unanswered questions. I will start a separate thread for help.

There are some Quick reference Guides found in the documentation at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Publications#Desktop_Reference_Cards. You may find these to be useful. They are available in a number of formats to browse or print.

All of the answers here offer good information. However, my question did not make clear that what I really want is the most comprehensive list (not just a quick reference) that can be printed.

I found these lists in the wiki that seem to be fairly comprehensive and printable.

General shortcuts: General Shortcut Keys in LibreOffice - LibreOffice Help
Writer shortcuts: Shortcut Keys for LibreOffice Writer - LibreOffice Help