Why can't I print two sided from Libreoffice on the Epson artisan 835 printer?

I am using Libreoffice 4.03 in ubuntu 13.04. I recently purchased an Epson artisan 835 printer and in Writer, I cannot print duplex. It just print single sided even when I set up for duplex printing. Duplex printing works fine in other applications.

Thank you Oweng. I was very hopeful that that would help, but it didn’t. All other times when the system dialog is used it works, but not with LibreOffice, at least here. Any other thoughts?

How is the printer connected i.e., WiFi, cable ethernet, or USB? Via a print server i.e., CUPS? Which printer driver are you using i.e., Epson ESC/P-R v10-23-2012 or Ubuntu-provided one? Which printer protocol are you using i.e., PostScript, PDF, other? This may help narrow down the issue.

I am connected text through wifi. The drivers from the Epson website. I have tried all the protocols. None make a difference.

Please, have a look at this thread, in which I present an alternative to having to export to PDF. I CANNOT DUPLEX PRINT IN LIBRE OFFICE WITH MY OKI MC860 MFP. I THINK IT IS A SOFTWARE ISSUE MAYBE?

Under Tools > Options… > LibreOffice > General > Print dialogs is the option “Use LibreOffice dialogs” checked or unchecked? You may find more options in the system dialog.

Thank you Oweng. I was very hopeful that that would help, but it didn’t. All other times when the system dialog is used it works, but not with LibreOffice, at least here. Any other thoughts?

With the last revision of Libreoffice, 4.2 something, it works great.

What always works is exporting to PDF and printing from your favourite PDF reader.