What has been done in LibreOffice 4.1.3 since LibreOffice

Want to check the new updates in LibreOffice 4.1.3.

There were two release candidates in 4.1.3 bug fix lists since
Releases/4.1.3/RC2 - The Document Foundation Wiki

So exactly 50 bugs fixed in 4.1.3, since 4.1.2.

P.S. It looks like in 4.1.4 that will be released next week it will be even more fun about 100 additional bugs fixed.
See: Releases/4.1.4/RC1 - The Document Foundation Wiki and Releases/4.1.4/RC2 - The Document Foundation Wiki (the last link is currently not available, because RC2 is not release yet, but it will be soon).

If you are wondering if you should upgrade from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3, I suggest to wait another week and install 4.1.4.
More info Release Plan: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan

Thank you…I’ll wait for version 4.1.4

See the release notes as well as the 4.1 features and fixes. (Notes on all releases are available from the wiki.)

You can always get the latest release info links on the downloads page.