Modulus Function (Remainder after division)


I’m trying to figure out how to separate a whole number from the remainder.

For example, after and equation I get (3.14). I’d like the 3 in one column and the .14 to be saved in another so I can carry it to the next calculation.

Is this possible?

Thank you,

Please note that numerical contents and results (numbers) may also be negative.
You will have to decide explicitly if you want -3.14 to be split into (-3|-0.14) or (-4|+0.86).
The suggestion by @librebel will return the second pair.

Look at the functions MOD and ROUND or ROUNDDOWN



gives 6


gives 2

In fact MOD(Dividend;Divisor) also accepts negative numbers and non-integers.
It is defined generally as
MOD(Dividend;Divisor) = Divisor - INT(Dividend/Divisor)*Divisor
where the INT(Dividend/Divisor) differs from QUOTIENT(Dividend;Divisor) if the two arguments have different signs.

Hello @codewolf,

Suppose that your value 3.14 is located in cell A1,

To get the integral part ( =3 ) just put the following formula into cell B1:

= INT( A1 )

To get the decimal part ( =0.14 ) put the following formula into cell C1:

=A1 - INT( A1 )

HTH, lib

IMO, the MOD is the proper solution, because it is not only solving the task, but also self-documenting and telling: =MOD(A1;SIGN(A1))

sorry, but this answer is wrong.
As above comment says correctly: MOD() is the proper function here!