Forecast Date of Next Deposit

In a Transaction (Check) Register, I am trying to determine what date will be the next deposit.

Calc Test 3.ods

Hello, isnt your questions missing the critical information,
what should/shall determine the date when the next deposit should happen?
Or am i missing something?

On the attached spreadsheet, Col A is the Transaction Date - it can be any date, past, present or future; Col B is the Amount of the Transaction - “-” is for Debit (in RED) and “+” (not shown) is for Credit (or Deposit) (in BLACK); Col F is the Amount (from Col A) on all completed Transactions based on Date of Transaction (Col A) as compared to Today’s Date (Cell G1).

What I am looking for is the Date (Col A) of the Next Credit (Black in Col B) on or after the Date in Cell G1.

In Google Sheets the formula is … … =min(filter(A4:A,A4:A>G1,left(C4:C)=“d”)) … but it does not work in Libre Office Calc

I would say something like — Lookup(in Col B, next amount >0.01, between date in Col A >= Date in Cell G1)

provides the first day after today, which has a transaction amount greater than 0, which is 27.10.20 as of today. Syntax A4:A and B4:B to denote “to end of column” is not allowed/supported in LibreOffice.

The according amount is:
=OFFSET($A$3;MATCH(1;(A4:A1048576>$G$1)*(B4:B1048576>0);0);1;1;1) ($52,80)

Thank you … the formula you used worked just fine.

thank you … the formula you supplied works perfectly. Thank you

answered by Opaque … thank you