Multi language spell check

Hello, first i want to congratulate all libre office devs and supporters
Now I have a problem, I have complex documents with both English and Greek documents and spell check only check ONE language.
How can solve this problem, thanks in advance

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LibreOffice can spell check in any number of languages. However it does not detect the languages automatically.

You need to check that you have both the English and Hellenic dictionaries in menu Tools, Extension Manager. Set the language for the document to the dominant language. Then just select the part in the other language and select the menu Tools, Language, For Selection.

If you have done all this and it is not working specifically with Hellenic, then it is a bug and needs to be reported.

(1) You have installed both dictionaries (English, Greek)?

(2) You have selected the correct text language?

For further details → LibreOffice Writer Guide.

Chapter 3 - Working with Text

Checking spelling (p. 22)

You can change the dictionary language on the Spelling and Grammar dialog box, e.g.:

Using built-in language tools (p. 23)

"Writer provides some tools that make your work easier if you mix multiple languages within the same document or if you write documents in various languages:

Paragraph and character styles

Using Tools > Language

Using language settings in Options

Using the status bar […]"

Hello, I have tried LibreOffice, and now it is very useful for me.

After having a problem with bilingual or complex documents, I have discovered that if you want to paste text (formated or unformated) in your document, firstly you have to select the language of the text to be pasted, at
Tools>Language>For selection.

If the language of the text to be pasted, is different than the language selected there, the “AutoSpellcheck” and The “Spell and Grammar” will fail to recognize the language of the pasted text, and it will be underlined in red on the document.
If this happens, then the only way to solve it, is to delete the pasted text, and paste it again, after selecting the correct language at the ‘For Selection’ field.

Maybe helpful:

How can I put three languages to quick language change menu?

Shortcut for changing language?

I have the same problem, but only in macOSX and ubuntu.
In windows somehow libre office can see that I changed the input language and change the paragraph language as well.

I just don’t understand why this is not happening with the versions for mac and linux, I mean I don’t know about programming, but is it that hard to have libre office to check what is the system language at the moment you are typing?

It can be done, that’s for sure since I have this working since the days I was using open office 3 in windows XP and vista and still use it under windows 7 and libre 4.

Maybe helpful:

Shortcut for changing language?

How can I auto-switch between languages in LibreOffice on Debian Linux?