How to enter a reminder in libreoffice

Hello there, im trying to figure out if i could use libre office as a remainder for dates. I kinda need libreoffice to tell me when sometimes expires such as driver licence or insurance etc. If theres such formula i could use will it remind me when i open libreoffice or i would actually have to scroll up all the way up where the formula was entered ?

If you are interested in learning to write macros, then that’s one thing. Asking someone else to come up with such a solution is like asking them to write a program for you, and that in my mind is not a fair or reasonable question here.

Hello rolland,
this is possible using a database.

1. the database should be registered in LibreOffice.
2. the database should contain a Table in which you store your upcoming events.
3. the database should contain a Query to select the upcoming events that are imminent.
4. write a macro that can display a reminder if appropriate ( based on the Query ) ,
5. this macro should be connected to LibreOffice's "Start Application" event and/or to other events.

Can someone give me some idea on how to write the macro for my situation

@Brettg Please see other question for solution. @librebel +1 for my hijacking your response. I just couldn’t let the situation stand as is.

No problemo @Ratslinger, @Brettg, i’ll provide a macro example in the other question.

No problemo @Ratslinger, @Brettg, i’ll provide a macro example in the other question.