For multiple item cardinality violation in SQL query

For Single item this its work ok but for multiple selection its show
SQL Status: 21000

Error code: -3201

cardinality violation

SELECT “store”.“Product” as “Materioal Name”,
( SELECT SUM( “store”.“Quantity” ) AS “Quantity” FROM “store”, “store_filter1” WHERE “store”.“Type” = ‘Recieved’ AND ( ( ( UPPER ( “store”.“Product” ) LIKE ‘%’ || UPPER ( “store_filter1”.“Product” ) || ‘%’ ) OR ( “store_filter1”.“Product” IS NULL ) ) AND ( ( ( “store_filter1”.“Date2” IS NULL ) ) OR ( ( “store”.“Date” < “store_filter1”.“Date” ) ) ) ) GROUP BY “store”.“Product” ) - ( SELECT SUM( “store”.“Quantity” ) AS “Quantity” FROM “store”, “store_filter1” WHERE “store”.“Type” = ‘Issue’ AND ( ( ( UPPER ( “store”.“Product” ) LIKE ‘%’ || UPPER ( “store_filter1”.“Product” ) || ‘%’ ) OR ( “store_filter1”.“Product” IS NULL ) ) AND ( ( ( “store_filter1”.“Date” IS NULL ) ) OR ( ( “store”.“Date” < “store_filter1”.“Date” ) ) ) ) GROUP BY “store”.“Product” ) AS “Pre Bal.”) FROM “store”, “store_filter1” WHERE ( UPPER ( “store”.“Product” ) LIKE ‘%’ || UPPER ( “store_filter1”.“Product” ) || ‘%’ ) OR ( “store_filter1”.“Product” IS NULL ) GROUP BY “store”.“Product”

Database brief:

Created two table one store and other store_filter1 copy of previous table with primary key as boolen

Sl No, Product, Type, Quantity, Date—> store Note:- Sl No Auto increment

Sl No, Product, Type, Quantity, Date, Date2—> store_filter1 Note:- Sl No as boolen

Product–A, B, C, D
Type–Recieved, Issue

If i want to display only one item A then work fine but when try to display all A, B, C, D then cardinality violation.

i tried but not get an way. some suggestion to solve this problem

Research on the internet shows that SQL Status: 21000 Cardinality Violation occurs when a sub-query returns more than one row (because, apparently, sub-queries are only supposed to return one row). So when you want to display one item A it works fine, but trying to display A, B, C, and D returns this error.