Spreadsheet appears blank

I have a spreadsheet (saved as .ods) that works fine on one computer with version, but that appears blank when opened on a different computer with version All the formatting (borders and background colors) is working, and the formulas appear in the input line, but no data is visible. The problem computer is running Windows 10 (I’m working on switching to Ubuntu).

Please test if changing Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice/View-Graphics Output - Use OpenGL, has some effect?

Please try if setting the option "Tools : Options... : LibreOffice Calc : Formula : Recalculation on File Load : ODF Spreadsheet (not saved by LibreOffice)" to “Always recalculate” has any effect.

Use OpenGL was checked. Unchecking it seems to have fixed my problem. A big thank you to m.a.riosv.

Putting the comment as answer so it can be marked as correct. :heavy_check_mark:.

Please test if changing Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice/View-Graphics Output - Use OpenGL, has some effect?

On the advice of m.a.riosv I changed Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice/View-Graphics Output-Use OpenGL from checked to unchecked This seems to have fixed my problem.