How can I copy and paste only the text from a website, like what is possible in Microsoft Word?

In Word, there are options in the settings for default paste behavior, to tell it whether or not to copy the source formatting, use destination formatting, or merge formatting. Where can I find these settings in LibreOffice? If they are not available, they NEED TO BE. It would remove one of the last reasons that Word is more functional (if not better, which it really isn’t) than LibreOffice.

Try to do this same as in Word

Paste HTML As Text

Of course you can do it with hotkey Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V (or set any other key for it - Tools - Customize - Keyboard)

Yeah, but is there a way to make it just do it by default? The biggest thing Word seems to have going for it over LibreOffice is that things like this are more streamlined, more convenient, although a lot of the features in Word are also super janky and bugged to hell.

Of course you can do it with hotkey Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V (or set any other key for it)