How do I Indent a portion of a line?

When I import/paste a list that was in 2 columns to LO, i set the tab stops to reflect the original… Except, one or two lines have the right hand portions long enough to wrap to a new line. I want to change the TAB for that to a Hard Left Indent…, is that easily doable?

Are the columns independent or is it akin to attribute in left column-value in right column?

“Columns” is an arbitrary name…, data was shown on screen as 2 columns - then copied and pasted in LO. There it appears as 'Xxxxx (TAB) Xxxxx" Now I desire to change one or more of the (TAB)s to a (HardLeftIndent), thus making ALL of the overly long stay to the right. VERY SIMPLE, or should be.

I have been playing with this problem since I asked the question…, try this one!
Paste info into blank page…, Select All, Click Table > Convert > Text-to-Table. Done!
Still not what I desired…, but it works.

It’s better to use the paragraph style called “Hanging indent”. That will automatically do what you want.

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Then @anon87010807’s solution is the right one. Set left margin to position of right “column” and first line indent to position of 'left" column (through negated left margin value). The Tab in text moves to the left margin.

To complement the solution, in case you have a few left “column” overlong content (exceeding with a few characters right “column” position), just type Shift+Return after the Tab to warp to right column on next line.

Why type this newline character after Tab instead of replacing it? Because the sequence Tab, Shift+Return disables the effect of ToolsOptions...WriterCompatibility Expand word spaces on lines with manual breaks in justified paragraphs. Thus, you keep this option set to your need and you don’t care for it in your two-“column” area which can freely and independently be customised through Hanging Indent style .