Is there anyway to split a multiline cell into rows

Consider the following table (copied from a paper):

The highlighted row is actually three rows, but column D is shared, and so the study authors have merged the three rows into one.

I would like to split this into three separate rows, just splitting on the newline. Is there any way to do this?

Menu/Data/Text to column, can help but it overwrites the next rows if not include on the selection. And only for one column at once.

Great, thanks! That does work, it is a little slow but it is way faster than doing it manually :slight_smile:

I noticed that the interface of this menu is the same as text import, which made me realize that this can be done with a text editor: just copy the columns one at a time and remove the quotes, then paste them as new columns. You have to manually handle the repeated rows (such as column D in my example), but you have to do that with ‘Text to Column’ also.