How to change Base table field to required YES

I have a text field in a table originally set to Required NO, that I need to change to YES. When trying to change it, I get the error that says the column could not be changed. Should the column instead be deleted and a new column be appended? Answering yes, the next error “Column is referenced in constraint or View” (which it is in several places). Can anything be done to work around this?

The column could not be changed because the field is missing data in one or more records. Since you are seemingly tied into other areas with this field, your best bet it to get data into those fields and then you should be able to change the requirement.

Ratslinger, I ran a query to list any/all entries with EMPTY in that column and there were none. I tried to make the change again without success. Any other ideas?.

Not familiar with EMPTY. Should be something like:


Here is what I ran. Ignore my “empty.” Sorry:
SELECT “MemberID” AS “MemberID”, “FirstName” AS “FirstName”, “AlternateFirstName” AS “AlternateFirstName”, “LastName” AS “LastName” FROM “MemberMaster” WHERE “AlternateFirstName” = ‘NULL’ ORDER BY “MemberID” ASC

Your Where says to look for the word NULL in field AlternateFirstName. it should be

Where "AlternateFirstName" IS NULL Note: no quotes around IS NULL.

Just a note: “MemberID” AS “MemberID” is just a lot of extra typing. You only want to use AS if you want the column name different. ie: “MemberID” AS “Member Identification”.

Since I have the odb, I checked this out. View Vue_FamilyList is halting the process. First, I copied the SQL to text editor. Deleted the View. Changed the field in ‘MemberMaster’. Re-established View based on SQL saved in text editor. All OK.

Once again you worked your magic. Thank you. It’s fixed.