Referencing values across multiple files

I have a template document (.ots) with a macro that exports and saves the new file as .ods to a desired location. What i want to do is create a new document that gives me the average values across all the exported files, given that the number of files it’ll need to reference will increase as i use the template document more often so there will be more exported files over time. Is there any way to do this, like “average all the values in this given range on all the .ods documents in this folder”

Hello @sleeperstakes,

the following macro returns the average of all the values in a given range on all the .ods documents in a given folder:

REM  *****  BASIC  *****
Option Explicit

Function AverageFolder( strFolderPath As String, strCellRanges As String, Optional bCountBlankAsZero As Boolean ) As Double
REM Returns the average of the given CellRanges in all spreadsheet files within a given Folder.
REM <strFolderPath>:	The full path to the Folder containing the spreadsheet files.
REM						This string should end with the path separator ( e.g. "/home/username/Desktop/MyFolder/" ).
REM <strCellRanges>:	String representing the CellRanges to be averaged.
REM						NB. The Sheet Name should be included for each CellRange, e.g. "Sheet1.A1:D5;Sheet2.A1:D5".
REM						NB. All referenced sheets must be present in all the spreadsheets within the given folder.
REM <bCountBlankAsZero>:	[OPTIONAL] Boolean indicating if Empty cells should be counted as 0 in the sum.
REM							True = Empty cells are counted as 0;
REM							False ( = Default ) = Empty cells are not counted in the sum.
REM Example call from Calc:	=AVERAGEFOLDER( "/home/username/Desktop/MyFolder/"; "$Sheet1.$A$1:$D$5"; 1 )
On Local Error Resume Next
	Dim oFileAccess as Object
	oFileAccess = createUnoService( "" )
	If oFileAccess.Exists( strFolderPath ) AND oFileAccess.IsFolder( strFolderPath ) Then
		Dim oFunctionAccess As Object
		oFunctionAccess = createUnoService( "" )
		Dim sFiles() As String
		sFiles = oFileAccess.getFolderContents( strFolderPath, False )	REM get files only.
		Dim aProps(0) As New	REM Open the file invisible.
		aProps(0).Name = "Hidden"
		aProps(0).Value = True
		Dim dSum as Double, dAverage As Double
		Dim lNum as Long, lCountBlank As Long
		Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
		Dim oDoc As Object
		For i = 0 to uBound( sFiles )
			oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( sFiles(i), "_blank", 0, aProps() )
			If Not IsNull( oDoc ) Then
				REM Check if doc is a valid spreadsheet:
				If oDoc.supportsService( "" ) Then
					Dim aCellRanges() as Object
					REM This next line yields an IllegalArgument exception when <strCellRanges>
					REM contains a Sheet name that is not actually present in the spreadsheet.
					REM In that case this Function returns ZERO ( 0 ),
					REM ... provided that the line "On Local Error Resume Next" is not commented out.
					aCellRanges = oDoc.getSheets().getCellRangesByName( strCellRanges )
					If uBound( aCellRanges ) >= 0 Then
						dSum = dSum + oFunctionAccess.CallFunction( "SUM", aCellRanges )
						lNum = lNum + oFunctionAccess.CallFunction( "COUNTA", aCellRanges )
						If Not IsMissing( bCountBlankAsZero ) And bCountBlankAsZero Then
							REM COUNTBLANK wants a single range ...
							For j = 0 To uBound( aCellRanges )
								lNum = lNum + oFunctionAccess.CallFunction( "COUNTBLANK", Array( aCellRanges(j) ) )
							Next j
						End If
					End If
				End If
				oDoc.Close( True )
			End If
		Next i
		AverageFolder = dSum / lNum
	End If
End Function

Virtually untested, please try if the above macro works for you…

With regards, lib

Thank you, you’ve been a life saver <3

you’re welcome @sleeperstakes,

If this answers your question, then please click on the :heavy_check_mark: mark until it turns green ( at the upper left area of the answer ).