LibreOffice 4: Impress Remote support Greek letters in notes

Hello, Impress Remote does not support Greek letters in notes, does anyone have any solution?

Hi @kopasas. I have not tested this feature. If you are 100% that it does not support greek letters than you should file a feature request for this app update. And/or let the developer know this issue.

The project page seems to be here:

Thanks for the correction @qubit1 :wink:


I think the repository for the LibreOffice Impress Remote is here:

I think the project you linked to is a separate piece of software.

OOps. I’m very sorry. Thanks for pointing that out qubit. :wink:

This forum is a Q&A site, not a place for reporting bugs or feature requests. This issue is already known, and it’s been filed in the bug tracker as bug 60604.

Cool. @kopasas, @victorwestmann – If you guys are familiar with this software, please provide confirmation of this bug so that it can move from UNCONFIRMED → NEW.

(I’ll resolve this q soon, if kopasas doesn’t beat me to it)

Bug 60604 - Impress Remote: Non-English characters in speaker notes garbled

Status: RESOLVED FIXED · target:4.0.3