Librewriter changes document when it is reopened

I am preparing a fairly simple business letter saving it as docx. I had everything perfect yesterday. When I opened it this evening, text at top of document was mixed with text at bottom of document and hard returns at the ends of paragraphs were changed. Moreover, the page margins were changed to the Librewriter default.

How do I keep Librewriter from making these changes. My clients need documents as docx.


I know this isn’t a solution to the original problem but before DOCX support is perfected, you could save the documents as ODT and just save a DOCX version when you’re sending them out. This would avoid some of the problems in the editing stage.

If your customers can read .docx, you can be fairly certain they will open your .doc files too. The chances are they wont even see the extension.

The best answer here is to have the MS Office users download and install the Sun ODF Plugion for MS Office. With that plugin, you can keep out of doc and docx (and especially ppt and pptx).
