How to know if some file is already open

While macros is running it tries to open some file. But an error arises if this file is already open. How can I check in macros if this file is already open?

Just a demo. Inspect the components managed by the StarDesktop.

Sub inspectComponents()
theComponents = StarDesktop.Components
theCEnum = theComponents.CreateEnumeration
Do While theCEnum.HasMoreElements
    oneComponent = theCEnum.NextElement
    MsgBox(oneComponent.Title & Chr(10) & oneComponent.URL)
End Sub  

Unsaved components have an empty URL. The BASIC IDE also has no URL, of course. There may be additional specifics I don’t know.

Just use function OpenDocument from library Tools:

' Opens a Document, checks beforehand, whether it has to be loaded
' or whether it is already on the desktop.
' If the parameter bDisposable is set to False then the returned document
' should not be disposed afterwards, because it is already opened.
    	oDoc = OpenDocument(ConvertToURL(sFileName), loadArgs, bDisposable)
    ... do something
    	if bDisposable then oDoc.Close(True)