(Writer) how to adjust font size/style of small letters normally used after numbers e.g "st" and "nd"?

Hi guys, when I type numbers such as “1st” “2nd”, “3rd” and “4th” (anything ending in “st”, “nd”, “rd” and “th”), the letter parts come out in small font and are positioned near the top of the row (as opposed to in the center of it like “regular” text).

What is this small font called called and how do I adjust it?


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Autocorrect makes those into superscript; if you select the characters and choose Format | Character and choose the Position tab you’ll see some options to control the size etc.

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Yup, found it under format > character > position tab. Cheers.

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I too find this AutoCorrect option annoying, that it why I have disabled it from Tools > AutoCorrect > AutoCorrect Options… and then, in the Localized Options tab, disable both boxes of the option that is labeled as “Format ordinal number suffixes (1st → 1^st)”.