Windows 10 security disallows LibreOffice installation

I have Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit. When attempting to download libreOffice I see a message box: “Your current security settings do not allow this program to be downloaded”. After pressing “Retry” the download takes place (about 1 min.) and ends with another message box saying that because this file could be harmful to my computer “Windows has blocked installation of this file”. How do I get around this?

You should refer to your operating system manual.

Are you sure that you use LibreOffice official site to download the installer?

I use Win10, and have no such problems.

Also, it might be not Windows issue, but e.g. Internet Explorer or Edge funny games. I use neither (I prefer Chrome).

No, Stoney is correct, Win 10 “creators Edition” won’t even recognise the downloaded .msi file. I used Firefox to download the useless installer. Back to Apache 4.1, it installs AND works.

FUD again. Stop doing that. First of all: if you say that AOO installs, then you contradict yourself, because they use MSI technology (just unpack their MSI from their bootstrap EXE). So, your windows MUST support MSIs to allow AOO installation. Second: you could be misguided by a problem that some of mirrors have with MSIs, and some browsers download files with MAN extension - then simply renaming MAN to MSI does the job.