How can I divide one cell contents by another?

I’ve always used the formula =prod(c1/d4) to divide cell C1 by D4 to get the answer. It is throwing an error #NAME?


Ehem. PROD is not a Calc function name (at least in English locale). And your formula must be =C1/D4.

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Odd, because in the Windows version of LO Calc it is. I’m currently using the Linux version. Thank you.

I’m using Windows version.

Hello @bdun,

“prod” is not a built-in function in Calc.

In order to divide cell C1 by D4 you could write =C1/D4.

For integer division you could write =QUOTIENT(C1;D4).

Odd, because in the Windows version of LO Calc it is. I’m currently using the Linux version. Thank you.

(Not an answer? Not completely irrelevant, however.)

I often wondered for what reason I find =SUM(A1;A2) instead of simple =A1+A2 in users’ posts. My theory:
-1- It is partly a side-effect of the silly clickeritis we find everywhere. Some users think they have to click the Sigma icon if they want to get something summed up. Some “teachers” may “teach” it this way. And surely youtube will.
-2- Some users will sometimes use the SUM variant consciously because they also want a result if A1 or A2 return text to the formula. I myself used something like =SUM(A1)+MATCH(...) under a heading sometimes for filling down to create a sequence avoiding the need for a different cell content for the first element.

It is also not the first time that I find (garbled in this case) =PRODUCT(A1;A2) instead of simple =A1*A2. What about my theory now? As a German I would say, it is a screwed-up analogy to the SUM case like “des Nachts” is one in German language. And: Part -2- of my mentioned theory applies respectively. PRODUCT allows for text among the listed elements and correctly uses the neutral factor 1 for it (not 0 as Excel would be expected to do) !

And there were cases of =SUM(A1-A2) despite the fact that this will pass the #VALUE! error A1-A2 returns if one of the operands is text. To date I never found the (garbled again) `=PRODUCT(A1/A2). You live and learn.