LO writer: how to view side-by-side table of content and document?

Using LO541

I wish to have something just as with Google Docs
In Writer, on the lefthand side the table of content(TOC) and the main side the document.
The TOC has an independant scroll, so that by clicking on any header in the TOC you jump to the relevant part in the document.


You can use the Navigator for that. It is the “compass” icon in the sidebar. You can place the sidebar outside the document window if you like that. First drag it, so that it is floating. Then drag the floating sidebar outside the document window. Open the part “Headings”. A double-click on the heading sets the cursor to that heading. You can reach other parts of the document easily too.

Thanks, this absolutely great!

For those, like me who didn’t know where is “compass”, it’s under the Edition menu or F5.

Further, do you know how to toggle it, aka it expends when you hover on it, otherwise it folds down?

If the answer solves your question please tick the :heavy_check_mark:.

The Navigator ( and other side panels ) can also be docked to both sides of the window at the same time, using this cool trick by @Lupp.