
I’m new here and asking on behalf of my mother-in-law. So if these questions have been asked before I beg your pardon.

I installed the latest edition of LibreOffice ( x 64) on a Win 7x64 Professional computer.

First off when I try to edit a template I am getting a message that the template is read only and is locked. I can edit the template but when I try to save it again I cannot save it must be saved as a copy and not even in the template directory. Seems I don’t have permission. I’m not sure how much of this is the Windows setup and how much is Libre Office.

The next question is that I would expect a larger selection of templates…a calendar creator, for instance. I see a calendar creation template but it seems only to be for Linux. ?? Will it work on Win 7x64.

Doesn’t seem like there is a lot of templates or extensions in any case.

Finally, when I consult the help files it says that I need to use the online help files or download the help files from the Internet. But following the link doesn’t seem to take me to a place to download the help files. I did down load the manual but of course that’s not the same. There is no linkage between LO and the manual and thus no context help.