How do I remove a hyperlink in Impress?

I’m writing a presentation about Ruby (the programming language). In Ruby, methods on a class are referenced using “::”. However, when I type “File::fnmatch” (or any other class method from this class) onto the slide, Impress immediately assumes that it’s a hyperlink. (I just want text.)

I tried going to Insert->Hyperlink and deleting everything I could, but I found not option to remove the hyperlink. I also looked under the various right-click menus with no luck. (The workaround I found was to type it in two parts separated by a space, then delete that space.)

Maybe disabling:
Menu/Tools/Autocorrect - Options (tab) - URL recognition
can solve your issue.

It should stop hyperlinks appearing, but could you tell how to remove hyperlinks too? That would be great :slight_smile:

To disable the hyperlink just follow these steps

Step 1

Open the document in Impress.

Step 2

Click within the text box of the text containing the hyperlink you wish to remove, or click the graphic whose hyperlink attribute you wish to remove.

Step 3

Right-click the hyperlinked text or graphic and click “Default” in the contextual menu.