How can I share my customized toolbar with others?

I have customized toolbar on Calc, and I want to share the toolbar with people in my company.

Is there any import/ export function to share the customized toolbar?

or should I copy & pastes a file including user setting & profile? If it is, what is the file name and where is it located?

In advance, thanks for your help.

Hello @JoeKim,

Custom Toolbars are stored as XML-files in a separate folder for each Office module. For example on Ubuntu the custom Toolbars for Calc are located in:


These XML-files can be edited with a plain text editor.

You could just send that XML-file to your recipients by E-mail, with instruction to place it inside the folder mentioned above, or the equivalent folder for their system.

Then restart LibreOffice, the custom Toolbar should be selectable from the View:Toolbars menu. Please let us know if that works.

-i think- it is required that the file name starts with “custom_toolbar_”, and the next part can be changed into something unique.

Regards, lib