Convert imported text string to date format

The date field from a imported csv is dMmmYYYY (i.e. 31Dec2017). I’ve tried text to columns and recombining with the =date and =month formulas to no avail. Please help!

I used VLOOKUP to convert the Mmm to number and then =date to combine to date again. A bit cumbersome and I’m convinced there must be an easier method.

I know that the formula is very long and difficult to understand

=IFERROR(IFERROR(DATE(VALUE(RIGHT(E1;4));HLOOKUP(MID(E1;3;3);{"Apr";"Aug";"Dec";"Feb";"Jan";"Jul";"Jun";"Mar";"May";"Nov";"Oct";"Sep"|4;8;12;2;1;7;6;3;5;11;10;9};2;1);VALUE(LEFT(E1;2)));DATE(VALUE(RIGHT(E1;4));HLOOKUP(MID(E1;2;3);{"Apr";"Aug";"Dec";"Feb";"Jan";"Jul";"Jun";"Mar";"May";"Nov";"Oct";"Sep"|4;8;12;2;1;7;6;3;5;11;10;9};2;1);VALUE(LEFT(E1;1))));"Wrong date")

However, it seems to do the right thing

When you open the csv file, try checking the option Detect special numbers

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Hello @Brewmaster,

i think these values were imported as String rather than Date.

Here’s how to make them into dates, using 2 helper columns ( here G and H ):

( column B is the column with the imported date strings, just enter the following formula into cell G1, then drag down):

=LEFT(B1;LEN(B1)-7)&" "&MID(B1;LEN(B1)-6;3)&" "&RIGHT(B1;4)

then enter the following formula into cell H1, and drag down:


Now the values in column G are interpreted as dates instead of strings.