How to add dot to numbering?

This image shows the problem:

I can add dots to the numbering (used as bibliography) but I get an unwanted dot in a cross-reference. I tried every possible way to paste it.

You seem to use numbering for a wrong purpose. You create a bibliography, and there’s a dedicated tool for that.

To be fair I got that document from the paper editor. I will look into bibliography tool.

Well, bibliography tool is pretty generic. I would not want to store my database there. Tools like zotero are janky - i just crashed libreoffice. So list is the most simple and I want to continue using it.

Then there’s no solution for using different pre/postfixes for numbering numbers in different contexts. You can only switch to setting dots after square brackets manually in list (you may want to make “no space” after number in list settings).

The solution is to set Bullets and Numbering → Position → Numbering followed by = Nothing. Then I can add point after the brackets.

See comment by Mike Kaganski:
“Then there’s no solution for using different pre/postfixes for numbering numbers in different contexts. You can only switch to setting dots after square brackets manually in list (you may want to make “no space” after number in list settings).”