Non Floating Table Cut Off after 2 pages

I just came across this issue. I looked into the table being cut off after some pages which led me to the bug issue: . However the table I am having issues with is not a floating table. I am not sure what I am missing here.
The libreoffice version i am using is Windows 5.3.6 64 bit. I also tried it with the newer version 5.4.2 but the result seem to be the same. The following images show the issue i am having.

Microsoft Word:


The test document is available here: testdocument.docx - Google Drive .

I have also looked at the xmls and there is no sign of w:tblpPr tags. Any help would be appreciated.

If you look at the table properties you’ll find that, under “Text Flow” tab, the “Repeat heading” property is set to repeat the fist 100 lines… which is a bit too much :wink: Change that number to 1 or at least something less than two digits and the table will behave as expected.

Wow. Actually, there are also 2 rows that don’t have the w:tblHeader element in their properties (out of 158 :slight_smile: ) - it’s just LibreOffice having the hard limit of 100 repeating rows max in its UI…