how to enter this calculation

What do I need to enter into a cell for this example?


I want it to output the value of x

This is a joke? Funny… Type =500/0.04 and get 12500

As @JohnSUN said, the short way is to divide 500 by 0.04. However, we can also ask Calc to solve the algebra problem for us.

  1. Enter the following labels: “x” in A1, '.04 in B1, “desired product” in C1, and “multiply” in D1.
  2. Highlight row 2 and press Ctrl+1 (or Format → Cells). Use number format -1234.57 and press OK.
  3. In A2, enter 1 as an initial guess for x. Enter 0.04 in B2 and 500 in C2.
  4. In D2, enter the formula =A2*B2.
  5. Go to Tools → Solver. Target cell is $D$2, Optimize result to Value of $C$2, By changing cells $A$2.
  6. Press Solve, then Keep Result. Now our answer is the value of x shown in A2.

You could as well use the Goal Seek (Tools menu). It is easy to handle.