check entry into database as per listbox item only

i have table with item listed but during saving in LibreOffice base, i want only item saved related to item listed through save action button.
can any have a good idea to deal with this

Please describe in more detail: you’re speaking of a (Base?) form? And you want to display some text (from a table column?), but store an index (related to the selected item?)

Table name A have columns B, C. In B 1,2,3,4 entered and when data inserted in B and C then entry in only in B these listed 1,2,3,4 and C with reference to B .

Neither this question nor this example is clear. What does the table contain initially, what values are entered into the form, and what is the desired result?

sorry for inconvenience for poor input.
I loaded material’s list into a combo box in a form. When data saved of this form then only. i need data saved of form only when combo box item matched and reject saving when other then listed item

Use a listbox instead

how to convert combo-box to list-box with with same dropdown properties

Edit mode > context menu of the control

Thanks for this help