Change the conditional format color for a specific cell.

I have a coin collection spreadsheet that shows, per country, a conditional format single color bar based on how many coins I have compared to how many were minted (%).

Some countries I do not collect because they do not meet my collection criteria (Non-Precious Metal and Circulated).

I still include those countries in the spreadsheet but am only seeking one coin from each of them.

For those particular countries I would like the color bar to be a different color.

No matter what I do to a bar from one of those countries, all the bars want to change to that color.

What am I possibly doing wrong?

Some idea of what your settings are for the formatting would help us guide you.

The system here is telling me that I need points to send a photo, but is not telling me how to get them, so have posted it here-

Facebook tells me “This page isn’t available
The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.” But in any case I suspect I would need a facebook login, which I don’t have. You now have points to upload here so you may prefer to do that.