COUNTIF not working as per documentation - I think

LO Version:

I have a spreadsheet containing 389 rows. I want to count the rows, in one column, where data are entered. According to the documentation, this formula should work: =COUNTIF(D2:D391, “.+”), but it doesn’t - I get zero. What am I missing?

Any ideas would be appreciated.

By the way, this is posted with tag ‘common’ because it would not accept ‘calc’!

calc tag added.

Hello @owlbrudder,

Please check the option "Tools : Options... : LibreOffice Calc : Calculate : General Calculations : Enable regular expressions in formulas".

HTH, lib

Thanks for replying, librebel. Unfortunately, that option is already set. "8-[

Hmm… did you try with “;” instead of “,” as argument separator?

Yes, I tried that, that but it is always converted to ‘,’. "8-{

First, make sure that the option @librebel had mentioned is actually set, and not “Enable wildcards in formulas”.

Failing that, please provide a sample file.

Hi Mike. I trimmed the spreadsheet down to just the one column ready to send and now everything is working! I guess there must be something dicey with the original file. Thanks for the help - Doug.