Looping intro with hyperlink to main show returns to loop instead of advancing to second slide in main.

This used to work in open office as seen here https://youtu.be/XgDqQ1vAA24
It is a technique available with every video editor I have used. Having a looping intro or menu that waits until the user selects play and then the main video or show starts would seem to me to be an essential for any presentation software.
Am I missing something?

  1. Insert the video.
  2. Choose the Properties button at the Sidebar (Ctrl+F5).
  3. Select the Repeat button. image description
  4. Choose menu Format - Interaction…, and for Action at mouse click: select Go to next slide, OK.

F5 start the slide show, and click or “Right Arrow” moves to the next slide.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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