LO freezes randomly on Mac OS El Capitan

Hi all

I just switched from OO to LO. It has many improvements but I have a rather annoying issue: sometimes LO completely freezes for up to 10 minutes. It’s random but it happens often when I switch from another application to LO or after waking up the Mac. I can then only move windows around but nothing else works. After a while everything comes back to normal. It never crashed.
During freeze, in the Dock menu everything looks normal, there is no message “Application not responding”. It’s impossible to quit it. Only force quit works.

In the Preferences I disabled Java. So far it seems it improved the issue: freezes are less frequent and shorter.

Is there a way to stop this glitch that didn’t exist in OO?



I have this problem as well - I tried disabling java, but things wouldn’t work at all - I’m trying to use Base so I think JRE is required. I’ve boosted the allocated memory to 2Gb, but still the same problem