Changing snap to grid dimensions

I’m just beginning to use Draw. The rulers (and my dimensions) show eighths of inches, but snap to grid is every 0,05 inches, which doesn’t always match. How might change the snap so the grid is in eighths?

Hello @TheCrow,

  1. Select the menu "Tools : Options... : LibreOffice Draw : Grid";
  2. Make sure that the checkbox "Visible Grid" is checked;
  3. In the section “Resolution”, set “Horizontal” to 0.25 ‘’, and set “Vertical” to 0.25 ‘’;
  4. In the section “Subdivision”, set “Horizontal” to 2, and set “Vertical” to 2;
  5. Click “OK”.

image description

This doesn’t work on the Mac it appears. I had an older version of LibreOffice (2016), there is no Tools | Option menu item. So I downloaded the latest version, and there’s still no such option. How do I change the dimensions of the ruler?