Where did my documents go?

I opened Libre office this morning and all my documents are gone. The page looks like I just downloaded Libreoffice and haven’t created any documents yet, its completely blank. I want to cry, can anybody help? I’m pretty computer illiterate so I don’t know what to do.

On the page that looks like you just downloaded LibreOffice (it is called Start Center), there is a button named Open File. Try it and look for your files in Documents folder.

When I click Open File it takes me to my documents on my PC which I do have the documents saved there, however when I used to open Libre all my documents would appear all together within Libreoffice, now there is nothing in Libre.

You could just accidentally clear LibreOffice’s last files history (Recent Files button → Clear Recent Documents). The links in the start center are just history; documents aren’t stored in LibreOffice. Those history links are for convenience, and will build again as you open files.