Base won't start. it says "JRE required" on a blankscreen. Thanks for any help

I have uninstalled and installed twice. I have a piece of shit windows machine. Teh word processor and spreadsheet work fine.

Well, I got a little further. now it says, “LibreOffice requires a Java runtime environment (JRE) to perform this task. Please install a JRE and restart LibreOffice.” I will google that, but I don’t have a clue what that means, and I am worried about dling something I don’t know about.

Ignore my comment. Now that I knew that JRE stood for java, I searched java and base on this forum and found hte anser. I don’t know how to delete my question, but someone could do that for me!


Deletion not appropriate, imo. Someone may find the answer useful.
Just two additional hints:
-1- The JRE you install and make accessible to LibreOffice must have the same bit-width (32 or 64).
-2- You may need to select the correct JRE in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Advanced.