Clearing formats in LO calc?

I have used a lot of conditional formatting.
If I press F11 I get a list or around 250 formats.
Around 200 of these are superfluous and I suspect evaluating them may be slowing the spreadsheet.
How do I remove the unwanted formats [all are in the form eg: ‘Excel_CondFormat_11_11_1’]

Try this macro

Sub removeExcelStyles
Dim oStyleFamilies As Variant
Dim oStyle As Variant
Dim oElementNames As Variant
Dim i As Long 
Dim sTmp As String 
	oStyleFamilies = ThisComponent.getStyleFamilies()
	oStyle = oStyleFamilies.getByName("CellStyles")
	oElementNames = oStyle.getElementNames()
	For i = LBound(oElementNames) To UBound(oElementNames)
		If Left(oElementNames(i), Len("Excel_CondFormat_"))="Excel_CondFormat_" Then oStyle.removeByName(oElementNames(i))
	Next i
End Sub

And do not save your spreadsheet as an Excel file, use the ODF format - in this case, the new extra formats will not occur every time you save

Could not remember where I got this code from. Remembered! Styles and Formats

Thanks for the code but the answer’s simple: Load the .ods spreadsheet. In the list that appears when F11 is pressed highlight the unwanted items, rt mouse and select ‘Delete’.
[I’m sure I tried this before I posted the query, but it now works for some reason]
F11>highlight unwanteds>rt mouse>‘Delete’

Yes, you are absolutely right - it’s very simple. Now, that the Stylist allows to select more than one style. This macro was written when this was impossible :slight_smile: