Find first empty row

Moved the file out of the root into a folder. Now it’s calling out an unsupported URL. I triple checked the path and the path it’s calling out (below) in the error message appears to be a proper path for Windows

`Message: Unsupported URL <file:///c:/Users/computer%20one/My%20Documents/Summary.ods>: "type detection failed".`

The space encoding %20 shouldn’t be a problem should it?

Also used a blank/fresh Summary.ods spreadsheet being copy/pasted to from the main.ods spreadsheet.

I cannot reproduce anyone of the errors. The first time in my life I even created a folder with one of those silly names containing a space. No chance: No error.
This is getting really annoying. I have to leave the thread.

Lupp, Thank you for your time.

Sorry you became annoyed, that was not the intent. I came to this forum to resolve a legitimate problem.
As for windows putting spaces in a path I don’t know why they do such silly things. It’s Windows. Again, I asked about the spaces to be sure no stone was being left unturned; no other reason.

If anyone else could jump in to provide insight on something that might be causing this I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Sorry. I’m not a native speaker of English and may have used a term in the wrong way. The “annoying” didn’t aim at you but at the strange situation I couldn’t manage. How to handle errors I never saw with my own eyes? Concerning spaces in pathnames: Yes they are coded the html way. I’m on Win, too, and have to accept a few paths containing spaces, in specific the extruciating ‘program files’. I never give a name of the kind to one of my files and Win doesn’t force me.

Your questions are legitimate, of course. However, the current discussion is very far off the original question of this thread. To get new attention for your current problems with opening secondary spreadsheet documents and with using ranges in these documents, you should open a new thread and post the few relevant lines of code.
I personally never had a similar problem under Win 10 with many different versions of LibO and AOO. Did you read Pitonyak meanwhile?

Lupp. Thank your for your reply.

Actually I have been reading the Pitonyak pubs. This approach actually came from “ Macros Explained” page 497. This is not something I’ve attempted in 5 minutes of my time and immediately went to the forum. I have been digging for weeks looking for the content I need to accomplish this. I came to the forum after doing much due diligence hoping someone could help.

Ran out of characters and will post another comment to continue.

I was originally thinking about posting a new thread but decided to stay with the current thread since it all is part of what I am trying to accomplish. This was apparently a bad decision on my part. I was actually thinking of the overall community when I made this decision so they would have the whole package along with myself. Thinking of others gets me in trouble.

But with your suggestion I will do so.

Thanks again Lupp. Have a nice day. I appreciate it.

One last thing. I am on Windows 7 Pro with LibreOffice 5.2.

Hope you will have success with your next question. And if I get a new idea , I won’t hide it from you.

Hi Lupp. I need to share this with you since you have been such a hugh help and I don’t want you’re expertise and contributions to go unnoticed.

I stepped away from this for awhile and came back to it with a clearer mind today. It was obvious the macro did not like the URL, the error message was clear on that. Didn’t have the presence of mind yesterday to go to the file and get the windows path by shift/right-click and copy. At comment limit and will add another comment.

After getting the windows path and comparing it to the physical path I noticed a difference shown below. I immediately placed it in the function you shared with me and it launched the summary.ods file. Sorry to have caused you frustration, it’s the last thing I wanted. If it’s any consolation I’ve probably knocked time off my life in pursuit of this.

Thanks again Lupp.

Original: c:/Users/computer%20one/My%20Documents/Summary.ods
Windows: "c:\Users\computer one\Documents\Summary.ods

Don’t worry too much. I should have mentioned in my respective comment above that I never saw a “My Documents” folder on a recent Windows system instead of whining. After all I was aware of that strangeness. (However, I am 73 and there may not be too much time left.)
Hoping you got everything now. But don’t hesitate to come back if necessary.

Thanks Lupp

You’re alright in my book. I am turning 55 this year. I hope you have many more prosperous years.

Thank you for extending the offer if I get stumped moving the ball on the remainder of this effort.

To preface this, the content is being copied to a new sheet (with a button). I can address it after getting the dynamic row location remedied.

When running this as its on sub (at the bottom of my original code) it errors on this line.
Dim oColumn As Object : oColumn = oSheet.Columns.getByIndex( iColumnIndex )

As a test I replaced (iColumnIndex) with (cColumnIndex) to see its results. It doesn’t error with (cColumnIndex) but the active cell ends up at the very bottom of the sheets “a” column.

I know little of the macros’s, mainly “record macro”! But my test, and how I use it, is where ever active cell is, it will go to bottom of column and activates the empty cell, under the last cell with data in it. On what ever sheet I have it on! Your welcome to look at it! Its a lot, but sub is at top, but not in Basic, I hide it on a hidden sheet, names Macro1, because if I share it, it give warnings about Macros if it is in a Modules, so paste to module .

Thank you Mark but the link is not resolving.

Sorry about that. This should work.

Mark, I am tired and made an off the cuff request (below) , Please disregard. I am now sifting through the macros. Thank you.

Thank you Mark. Can you steer me to a sheet in your fie where I can see what we’ve been discussing in action?

My Macros, are not working till installed, making the file safe. There Hidden! R. click on any sheets tab at bottom. click “show sheet”. open “Macro1”, sheet. the sub is top one! To install them, Copy & paste. I put directions at the top of that “Macro1” sheet. It was not off cuff. I like helping.

This one has macros on so buttons will work, not sure if it will down load, that’s why I hid macro’s
cause i had trouble downloading with macros on file. Also sheets are locked but no password needed, just r. click on tab to unlock.