How do I attach a screenshot when asking a question on

a picture is worth a thousand words, where is the option to attach a screenshot when asking a question in here?

In our context most images uploaded may make many words but nxt to no sense. Please upload “the real thing” which is a LibO example file demonstrating the issue you are discussing. Only if a question is explicitly about the view, an (additional) image may help.
No screenshouts, please, except in very special cases!

Use the image <img> Ctrl-G button from the toolbar:

I don’t know if this requires a certain amount of “reputation” or not.

I just don’t have that button, I have the 101 010 thing, and then the 1 2 3 button is directly next to it, no image or attachment button, is there a way to activate those? Some sort of hermetic combination of keys? haha, a picture is worth a thousand words indeed!

This should mean that you are not entitled to upload files due to too few “karma”. I think you need 3 points.

@kweezel: Since someone upvoted your question you should have enough “karma” now, I suppose.

It takes a certain number of posts before you can attach files.
But you can enter URLs …
So upload the image somewhere like Imgur or ??? and post a link.