Query, add 30 days to date, then compare

The goal is to test two date, reporting when the first date + 30 days is greater than the second date.
I have tried several versions of the following but can’t make it work. The error indicates a problem with “NewDate”. Any help greatly appreciated.

SELECT "MemberID" "MemberID", "LastName" "LastName", "FirstName" "FirstName", "DateJoined" "DateJoined", "LastRenewalDate", "MemberThruDate" "MemberThruDate", DATEDIFF('dd','12-30-1899',"LastRenewalDate") +30 AS "NewDate" FROM "MemberMaster" "MemberMaster" WHERE "FirstName" != '|' HAVING "NewDate" > "MemberThruDate" ORDER BY "MemberID" ASC


My memory seems to recall you using a split DB. With that, this will work:

SELECT "MemberID" "MemberID",
       "LastName" "LastName",
       "FirstName" "FirstName",
       "DateJoined" "DateJoined",
       "MemberThruDate" "MemberThruDate"
FROM "MemberMaster"
WHERE "FirstName" != '|' and (DATEADD('day',30,"LastRenewalDate") > "MemberThruDate")

If not and you are using an embedded DB then:

SELECT "MemberID" "MemberID",
       "LastName" "LastName",
       "FirstName" "FirstName",
       "DateJoined" "DateJoined",
       "MemberThruDate" "MemberThruDate",
FROM "MemberMaster"
WHERE "FirstName" != '|' and (DATEDIFF('dd',"MemberThruDate","LastRenewalDate") > 30)

Thanks so much. Yes, a split DB. I read in the Query manual that there was no DATEADD function. It obviously refers to the embedded DB.
Anyway, this worked perfectly. PS - The DB is finally up and running and things are working well, thank you very much for all your help and support.