Why does my URL string have its %20 change to blank?

When I add in the following hyperlink to an image in a .docx Libreoffice writer document


it changes it to

https://www.twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=trick or treat pic.twitter.com/MjvpyWZG7a

With spaces instead of %20.

How can I keep it showing the %20 ?

(Edited for readability by @Lupp )

Why do you want? Was there a malfunction? After all the %20 actually codes for a space. Did some browser not accept the URL with the untranscribed space?

Thanks @Lupp for editing my question. Much clearer.

I went to tools > options > Security options and warnings > Options > and un ticked 'Ctrl-Click required to follow hyperlinks’and the link worked. Looks like it wasn’t the ‘%20 to space’ that was stopping the link working.

@ChristianPauls: You’re welcome’ I thought of some banal case of a malfunction, but not of this specific one since I personally prefer the Ctrl+Click setting anyway to avoid inadvertent activation of links. My left thumb is ready to do its duty.
Gruß aus München!

Thanks @Lupp I found that when I removed Ctrl+Click setting the link in the image worked and it didn’t matter that the %20 showed as a blank.