since 5:4 update cannot retrieve files infrequently used. The file in constant use is fine.

When I click on the files nothing happens. The file in constant use is fine. It is only the files that are not used very often.
Not sure what other info you need.

Your LibreOffice version and operating system. Is this open inside LibreOffice or from system navigator?

from a system navigator. correction from inside libre office. thanks for replying.

Test changing the open files window inside LO in Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOfficee/General - Load/Save dialog.

tried your suggestion. sorry to say no luck. Thank you for trying.

What daes it happen using the system navigator to find the files?

No luck with system navigator. When I click on libre office I can connect to new files and files that I always use. But I Cannot connect to files previously saved and used only once a month or less. Sorry for delay in answering.

Could they have been saved on a temporary folder, or they were on the same folder than new files?, have you seen in the bin? or did you searching with the system explorer by one of them?

Thanks for reply. They were not saved in a temporary folder. They were stored on the same page as the new files. I have tried Microsoft edge to search files. It is not in the recycle bin.